Thursday, March 5, 2015

What we need when we need it

Such a nice presentation from the nurse which included a video about chemotherapy and all the anti nausea drugs and how the chemo drugs work to eliminate all cells that are dividing, and how the cancer cells divide rapidly . I thought it was  a pretty good introduction and with the knowledge I had from looking up lots of new words online, I had some comfort. From that knowledge, I could understand how a less detailed, lessI gotta know the better, less what is this and what are my options, and less of a what is the medication I'm taking kind of person , would also know enough about the treatment plan, and be more comfortable signing the consent forms.

The nurse was excellent at explaining the greater detail that I needed, listening carefully, and giving thorough answers to me.  I was reminded of stay away from germs, period, and to instill super clean regiments in hygiene and also with foods. She had an information folder with reminders of the things we discussed and also lists of cancer connections in my area. I want to check out FREE wigs, scarves, caps, etc, too. Handy! And what a great place to donate to when my treatment time is over, though secretly I may just like getting up and grabbing a hairdo or a cute hat, and heading out the door!

So, I had my treatment, just like it was described, and I even learned that I Can give myself a shot when it comes right down to necessity. Oh and That's  what the Cather looks like, and why that area is tender. And yes after the treatment, I did pee red- just like they said I would-good hing I drank about a gallon of water today- before, during and after treatment as it is very dehydrating- like most powerful drugs, it seems.
Water, water, water! I like it!

Sometimes life changing events help us identify what we  Thought was important and learn a different way. In reality, we have what we need, when we need it. I am fortunate that I know some wonderful people, and I meet more every day!
Thanks for stopping by to learn a little bit more about my journey, and for putting a smile on my face today! I hope I just put one on your face too!

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