Thursday, April 2, 2015

Change is great!

What an exciting day! My final expansion, my 3rd treatment of this cycle of chemo, and a sunny, crisp spring day outside. Moving forward has always been invigorating to me, and this year I anticipate the end of this latest adventure eagerly. By this time next year I plan to be celebrating with a real cruise, on a Ship!
I had a few minutes to read a magazine article this morning that talked about embracing change. It helped me remember that if we didn't have unexpected challenges, we may never experience the joys of success. Through our losses we often gain a new appreciation for the things and people we have in our life now.  When my hair fell out it was devastating, but I learned that my mom and other people looked for my smile to recognize me, and my hair no longer mattered as much. I've now learned to tie scarves, and how to best support others who travel this path I'm on.
I've learned to allow/encourage others to help me, as my friends and family have a need to demonstrate their support, which enables them to deal with my illness. Plus it makes our time together special to us both. It is hard to be humble, but I am learning that it is ok for someone else to do the dishes once in awhile, and if the clothes aren't folded exactly how I do it, I can refold them or embrace the change!
Thank you again Anna, for reorganizing my craft space to a wonderfully inviting studio for recording memories! Thank you Becca for sharing "game time" with me, and thank you my friends and family for following along on this blog and sending me positive thoughts and prayers. It means a lot to me to know I have you all supporting me!
So next time Life throws you a curve ball, mourn as needed, and happily move forward.
Each day is a new opportunity to change!

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