Have you had your share of appointments this year? I am one of those folks who rarely has to do things that require an appointment time. Well all that changed with my diagnosis last November. I remember trying to take advantage of the holiday season to find openings for the multitude of tests that were required to look closely in my entire body to see if my cancer had spread farther than my breast and the underarm lymph nodes that had already been found. I am very fortunate to work for a company, and to hold a position that has really allowed me to take advantage of available time slots. It seems as though every Dr. has a full schedule and it is hard enough to figure out which dr to get referred to, to have whatever is needed authorized, and then shedule the appointment . Then we have to Remember the appointment and organize every other part of our life around it. If the first time slot is not convenient, sometimes it is 2weeks later until there is another equally inopportune time available. One has to see some humor in that part!
Well, for me that unpredictability can be frustrating, but I have been adapting. With my trusty phone to keep you all nearby, it is much easier to wait. I understand that if they are running late it must be that someone else needed more help or an additional bit of caring on a particular day. I also find that coming into an appointment with a Great attitude and rembering to thank every person who I come into contact with can also help my future appointments go smoothly and they usually return my smile, which always makes me feel even better about aaallllll the questions I ask! I encourage all of you to arrive prepared for each appointment too , as I have found that most information is available if we ask for it.
Time for this Dr to check my toenails again, so I'm going to ask if there are supplements to make them grow faster- little question, but may lead to a discussion on nutrition - my favorite quiz of all!
Until next time- take great care of yourself and I hope you ask some
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