Friday, July 10, 2015


Do you look forward to Friday? I have always looked to the weekend for grounding, getting together with friends, and even catching up on housework! For some reason it always seems like those things are hard to squeeze in during the week, and all are good reasons not to stay in bed too late on Saturday or Sunday.
I find that early mornings are some if the most precious of the day, and I really hate to miss the birds singing, or even watching the sprinklers do their thing. I find I so relaxing to have no immediate time requirements.

As I shut the computer down when I finished working today, it dawned on me that today is Friday! And on my way to my next to last treatment, That dawned on me too, Double Yippee! And to top that off, my garden is looking good! Fabulous blueberries and vegetables are growing, weeds are almost under control, and it is summertime! What a great time to be alive! I truly feel blessed and very thankful to have the support of family and friends and great nurses and doctors for all the not so fun things going on right now.
For the most part, the little things are the best part of life, and we should celebrate every day- especially Friday!

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